TWRP Commandline Guide
install FILENAME :install FILENAME zip file.wipe PARTITION :format PARTITION, one by line: cache, system, dalvik, data.format data :format databackup PARTITIONS-TO-BACKUP [BACKUP-NAME] :backup partition PARTITIONS-TO-BACKUP to [BACKUP-NAME] PARTITIONS-TO-BACKUP, multiples selection allowed: S: system, D: data, C: cache, R: recovery, B: boot, A: and-sec, E: sd-ext, M: skip md5 creation. [BACKUP-NAME] If not provided, current date/time is used.restore PARTITION-TO-RESTORE BACKUP-NAME :restore PARTITION-TO-RESTORE from existant BACKUP-NAME: PARTITION-TO-RESTORE, multiples selection allowed: S: system, D: data, C: cache, R: recovery, B: boot, A: and-sec, E: sd-ext, M: skip md5 check. BACKUP-NAME: could be full path or name of twrp backup in current twrp backup folder. Backup can't be encrypted.remountrw :revert /system mount type (read-only/read-write).mount PATH. set VARIABLE [VALUE] :set VARIABLE to VALUE. If VALUE is empty, empty VARIABLE.mkdir DIRECTORY. reboot [recovery|poweroff|bootloader|download] :reboot into system (no argument), recovery, bootloader, download mode or turn off device.sideload :sideload zip from host adb.fixperms :launch fix permissions script.decrypt password :decrypt /data with provided password. Password could be numeric, alphanumeric. For pattern see note bellow.
adb backup :Use the adb backup command of the host computer to backup the device: adb backup --twrp [compress] [PARTITION-LIST] PARTITION-LIST: partition(s) name(s) without leading '/'. Only partition present into fstab can be backuped.adb restore FILENAME :Use the adb restore command of the host computer to restore FILENAME where FILENAME is a previously backup taken with adb backup.
- Specific pattern decrypt note
Use the table bellow to determine what your password will be:
1 | 2 | 3 |
4 | 5 | 6 |
7 | 8 | 9 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | : | ; | < |
= | > | ? | @ |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | : |
; | < | = | > | ? |
@ | A | B | C | D |
E | F | G | H | I |
Example: if your pattern is a "U" shape in the middle of the 5x5, enter twrp decrypt '7<ABC>9' in the terminal or ADB shell. Note that characters ;<>? are special to the shell and require backslash escaping or single quotes around the string.