
Team Win strives to provide a quality product.  However, it is your decision to install our software on your device.  Team Win takes no responsibility for any damage that may occur from installing or using TWRP.


Support Status: Current

Maintainer: erwinabs

Code Name: moonstone/sunstone

Device Tree / files

Support thread on xda-developers

Notes About Xiaomi Mi Devices:

Some Xiaomi Mi devices have bootloaders that require additional steps to unlock before you are able to flash custom images. This typically involves using MI Unlock Tool to apply & wait for certain time period to have your device unlocked.
You will need to follow the steps on Xiaomi's MIUI website in order to unlock your device.
Understand that unlocking your device will wipe all of your personal data, settings, and apps from its memory.

See: Apply for unlocking Mi devices

This device uses Dynamic Partitions

This means that TWRP will not allow modifications to any of the partitions that make up the Super partition on the stock ROM. All backups and restores will include the full Super partition rather than the individual dynamic partitions.

In order to flash the individual partitions, you will have to boot into fastbootd.

Download Links:

Current and past versions of TWRP can be found at one of the mirrors below:
